
Welcome to the website of Changzhou Korel Chemicals Co.,Ltd.


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As we all know, many biocides destroy aquatic organisms seriously while killing microorganisms. K-Bio Procare series products not only meet the requirements of killing microorganisms, but also they just have very low impact on aquatic organisms. K-Bio Procare will always stick to the road of environmental protection and sustainable development, and develop excellent products to serve more company. For detailed product information, please consult our sales manager.

Add: Room 428, Building 7, 600 Tongjiang Middle Road, Xinbei District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province

E-mail: sales@korelchem.com

Service hotline: 0086-135-6731-8202

2018 Changzhou Korel Chemicals Co.,Ltd. Copyright

Record number: 蘇ICP備18065962號

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